Read more about the article Camille’s first publication
Step-by-step process towards the full characterization of photoresponsive inclusion complexes

Camille’s first publication

The article describing a full characterization of azobenzene@cyclodextrins complexes has just been accepted in J. Org. Chem.. This work describes the step-by-step procedure that we used to have access to…

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Gellight is a multidisciplinary project joining together 4 academic teams working in collaboration with a French SME. Expertises span from organic synthesis, photochemistry, physics to biology

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Read more about the article Kick-off meeting
Capitole of Toulouse, and the square of the same name with the Occitan cross designed by Raymond Moretti on the ground.

Kick-off meeting

January 10th 2019 in Toulouse : all partners joined together for a full day of work

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